Don’t Rely Solely on Things Outside of Yourself for Your Health.

There is no such thing as a magic pill, powder or potion that can alleviate all of your ills. Whether that pill, powder or potion has been synthetical created in a lab or extracted directly from organic sources, there is no wonder drug. Is it any “wonder” that the wonder drug is constantly changing? From penicillin to CBD, society is always searching for the next big “cure-all.”

But they still haven’t found it. Nor will they ever find it if they continue to look just outward. We have to look inward first and foremost. Not some of the time, but most of the time, if not all of the time. Health is found within.

I want to paraphrase an example of this “health within” I first heard from Dr. Reggie Gold, DC. 

“Say you cut your finger; what might you do? Well, you might run to the hydrogen peroxide bottle, pour it on, wrap it in a bandage, take a shot of antibiotics in one arm and a tetanus shot in the other arm. A week later you take off the bandage and it's all healed up. Now did the peroxide, bandage, antibiotic, and tetanus shot heal the cut?

If that is true, go down to the butcher shop, buy a steak, take it home and cut it. Pour on the hydrogen peroxide, wrap it up in a bandage, shoot it up with antibiotics or whatever you want. Now, will the steak heal? Of course not. You might say that’s ridiculous, of course, the steak won’t heal, it’s not alive. But that proves a very critical point.

Only life can heal. Your body as you sit here is making living flesh and blood out of the lunch you had yesterday. Built into you is all the wisdom of nature. And that Wisdom knows all there is to know about healing.”

Don’t rely solely on things outside of yourself for your health. Just looking outside ourselves neglects the true source of health found within each and every one of us. Quoting Dr. B.J. Palmer:

“Health is not a foreign exotic which has to be imparted from abroad, but is an internal plant with both plant and flower, which exists as in its native habitat, in the inmost soul of every man.”

The power that animates and heals us all is found within life. And there is nothing bigger than life. 

- Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP

Jarek Esarco, DC, CACCP is a pediatric, family wellness and upper cervical specific Chiropractor. He is an active member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Dr. Jarek has postgraduate certification in Pediatric Chiropractic through the ICPA. Dr. Jarek also has postgraduate certification in the HIO Specific Brain Stem technique through The TIC Institute. Dr. Jarek is happily married to his wife Regina. They live in Youngstown, Ohio with their daughter Ruby.

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